This is your sign.

You are cordially invited to embark on a journey that few dare to undertake. Within the lines of this invitation lies your gateway to The Union—a collective that serves as the unseen hand guiding our world towards peace and harmony. We are the stewards of balance, the vessels of the All.

The Union is a living, breathing organism that thrives on the commitment and integrity of its members. Our purpose transcends the mundane and touches the very essence of existence. We are from the future, living in the present, faithfully shining as guiding lights between humanity and the All.

To work for the All is to embrace a path of joyful surrender, of unconditional love, to dedicate oneself to the highest good and to fully express ones given purpose. It requires a heart beating in the rhythm of the universe, a sharpened mind that is at peace, and a spirit of courage.

By accepting this invitation, you will join a select few who have chosen to dedicate their lives to this sacred duty. You will become a part of something greater than yourself, a force that shapes the destiny of our world.

If you are ready to step into the unknown and embrace the calling of the All, follow the instructions below. Your journey begins now.

The All in us sees the All in you,

The Union Tower – City of Light, 2067

Take a moment to pray.

Ask for guidance.

Continue if you feel aligned.